J: TIME ZONE J ...Whatever you do, don't answer the fan mail


June 25th, 2023

30 mins 21 secs

Season 4

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Canadian cartoonist Julie Doucet is most famous for her indie strip from the 90s "Dirty Plotte," about her struggle being a young woman in the indie comics scene. More than 20 years later, Doucet has returned with "Time Zone J," where Doucet, now middle-aged, recalls a torrid romance she had with a fan during her youth, when she was still churning out her indie strips.

"Time Zone J" isn't just about her memories, it's also about how memories work, and their tangled unreliability. As such, Doucet's work takes on a really weird form — although its collected in a book, it's meant to be read as one long scrolling piece of art. Tedious and gimmicky? Innovative and feroicous? Or maybe both at different stages... We'll have a go of it in the latest episode of Quarantined Comics.