Quarantined Comics

a comic-book book-club discussing (some of) the medium's great works.

About the show

Comics aren't just about superheroes in capes. Each week we'll discuss, debate, and nerd out on some of the medium's greatest, latest, and strangest works. From Alan Moore to Uzumaki, to everything in-between, we aim to smash, and talk for far too long on the books we love.

Hosted by reporter/podcaster Ryan Joe and recovering marketer Raman Sehgal. We're setting phasers to...fun?

Quarantined Comics on social media


  • KING & GODHEAD ...going beyond the MLK legend

    January 14th, 2022  |  Season 4  |  46 mins 44 secs

    In honor of MLK day, we're reading KING - Ho Che Anderson's critically acclaimed unauthorized graphic biography of the life of Martin Luther King Jr. But we ALSO decided to read GODHEAD, another book by Anderson, which tells a near future capitalist tale that juxtaposes the white corporate and black urban experience against a sci-fi backdrop of...finding God?

  • THE SECRET TO SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH... I hope you're jogging while listening to this podcast

    January 7th, 2022  |  Season 4  |  34 mins 31 secs

    Let's kick off the new year with some exercise, Alison Bechdel style.